Four men from the Welsh valleys joined us this week organised by Phil. He was accompanied by Paul, Josh and Kane, who is hoping to get into the Welsh carp angling team next year. If the report for this week is anything to go on he is certainly ambitious and spent the least time out of any of them away from the lake, snapping up 8 of the 10 carp caught and 6 of the 8 catfish.
Josh got the ball rolling though on the very first night and ended up with two 30lbers in total over the week

Kane had this very pretty 2lb carp which hopefully we will get to see to grow into a fine specimen over the years. His biggest on the other hand was a chunky 42lbs 11oz mirror which looks as if it has been in the wars a bit

This mirror also came out of the lake twice for Kane at a weight of 38lbs 4oz

Paul had a couple of catfish that he was thrilled about, having never caught one before. This one was 17lbs 3oz so still some growing to do

Phil, who has a rare lung condition, didn’t fish much as the travelling and the heat had taken a lot out of him, but he enjoyed spending the week with the lads and being in the peace and quiet of the venue.
The totals for the week were 1 baby, 1 at 20lbs+, 7 at 30lbs+ and 1 at 40lbs+ plus 8 catfish up to 17lbs 3oz. Not a bad week, especially for Kane. All of the fish were caught on our own boilies – they really do love them!
Hope you all had a safe journey back and good luck, Kane with your hopeful entry into the Wales team