Tony and his son, Luke have been coming to Carp France for a number of years under the previous owners, fishing on both lakes over this time. This year they joined us having spent a week at another lake, along with Caron, who was in charge of the cooking for the first four days before she had to return to the UK.
They knew that Kingfisher is not the easiest lake when there are just the two anglers and having only had 3 fish out between them at their previous lake they were not very hopeful for the first week.
Luke started out at the far swim on the main bank and Tony on the dam wall near to the aerator, with the knowledge that the carp like the newly oxygenated water when it is warm. This definitely worked in his favour as for the first few days he managed to catch quite a few whilst Luke was getting more and more frustrated so moved swims.

At one point Tony hooked into a catfish which gave him the right run around – to quote him directly ‘When you hook a giant cat and it runs a 100 metres quicker than Lindford Christie.’ So they got in the rowing boat and went off down the lake after it only for the cat to win and get lost in a snag.

Tony caught the biggest fish this week, a lovely 46lbs 12oz mirror right at the start of the week, as by Wednesday the cats had moved into his baited spots.
The week finished on Kingfisher with 6 carp in total, two commons and four mirrors. There were 2 carp at 20lbs+, 3 at 30lbs+ and 1 at 40lb+ alongside 3 catfish, the biggest being 38lbs. They then packed all their gear up and wheeled it across to Lac Lucie ready for the final week’s fishing and hopes for bigger and better

The weather improved for the lads week on Lac Lucie and they were completely focused on fishing, making the most of our evening meal package but not stopping too late so they could get the rods back out for the night session. They obviously had one or two visits to their favourite shop (Carpe Atomic) in Limoges during the week for essential supplies.
Tony pitched his bivvy up at the bottom end of the lake and fished into the lilies whilst Luke stayed at the top end nearest the chalet and used his bait boat (which miraculously was still going despite a charging issue with the handset).
Far more success was had from Lac Lucie and Luke started to reel a few nice fish in although never quite keeping up with his dad who landed a nice 46lbs 11oz common from this lake.

On the Thursday when the lads joined us for tea they were delighted to tell us that Luke had had a fifty pounder – our first out of Lac Lucie this season so all very happy.
Tony and Luke headed back up to Tyne and Wear in the early hours of Friday morning so missed a day on Lac Lucie but seemed to be quite happy with their week on here and relaxed after their two weeks with us, hopefully to return again.
Final catch report for Lac Lucie for this week was 18 carp in total and no catfish. There were 9 of both mirrors and commons and 4 at 20lb+, 12 at 30lb+, 1 at 40lb+ and 1 at 50lb+