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Compliance Works – Part 1

As a part of the due diligence that was carried out when we were buying the fishery the DDT (the waterways police) were required to carry out an assessment of the lakes to ensure that they were compliant with the regulations. They had not been inspected for some years so we were aware that it was quite likely that some works were needed to bring them up to date with current standards.

As it turned out there is quite a lot of work to be done to ensure that the water goes where it is meant to go and to reduce the risk of flooding downstream.

So on Kingfisher we need to

  • Install a grid with bars spaced a maximum of 1cm apart with free flow so as to be able to evacuate at least a hundred-year flood and to ensure the safety of the dam wall
  • Install a drain pipe with a closing valve, with the aim of ensuring the complete emptying of the lake, for the safety of property and people located downstream
  • Remove all woody vegetation on the dam wall
  • Carry out work to strengthen the dam wall
  • Restore the continuity of the watercourse by removing any obstructions

And on Lac Lucie a similar list

  • Install a grid with bars spaced a maximum of 1cm apart with free flow so as to be able to evacuate at least a hundred-year flood and to ensure the safety of the dam wall
  • Adjust the monk to make sure it meets the current regulations in order to ensure the evacuation of bottom water
  • Construction of a settling basin with a straw filter, to retain sediments during emptying
  • Remove all woody vegetation on the dam wall
  • Carry out work to strengthen the dam wall

Over the past month Caesar Construction have been coming to do bits of the work whilst they are waiting to finish off another job and alongside the fact that the trees have lost the majority of their leaves we can already see a big difference to both lakes. Whilst it all looks a bit harsh at the moment the stumps that are left will be allowed to become bushes and the height and width kept under control.

Kingfisher dam wall

Lucie dam wall and new silt trap

There is still a lot of work to be done but we have had permission from the DDT to lower the water level this week so we are confident that the rest of the trees can be got down and the strengthening of the dam wall can be done. And fingers crossed that there is not too much rain to stop us from netting the lakes and doing a complete stock check.

In the meantime we are enjoying being back home and Nigel’s brother is here this week so they have managed to get a lot of the 2 person jobs done in between watching the football, playing a bit of pool and having a few beers.

Hopefully we will have a further update for you shortly, until then bonne journée…….