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Compliance Works – Part 4 continued

When we last posted we were waiting for the man from the DDT to come and sign off Lac Lucie as compliant so that we could start the draining of Kingfisher. He came and he saw and he went again but wasn’t completely happy with the amount of rock that had been put onto the dam wall to strengthen it. So sadly we are still waiting.

We are now waiting for another 55 tonne of ‘caillou bleu’, a very hard grey stone that will prevent erosion and avoid the water from the lake going over the top of the dam. It will also help stop the coypou from digging through the bank. We thought we had put enough in but it appears not. The stone should be delivered and put in place this week and then we can call Mr DDT back to re-inspect.

Mr DDT was happy with the silt trap and the new valve we had put in place, as well as the new overflow at the bottom end of the lake.

Nigel now needs to sort the electrics out for the aerator and build a bridge over here so our anglers can move round the lake easily and we can drive the lawnmower round.

Mr DDT also walked round Kingfisher and had a look at what we have been doing there. He had more requests to make here, such as some more trees being taken down near the outlet and the stream needs to be narrowed in places to ensure a faster flow throughout (as in the picture below). We also need to put plenty of caillou bleu at the far end of the lake where the water comes onto our property to ensure that the water flows where it should.

We have had so much rain here over the last few months that Cesar Constructions have been struggling with their machines. This, and the fact that we have had lots of extras to put in place that we were not expecting, has caused so many delays in the compliance works. As time is a-ticking we have made the decision to focus on getting the work completed on Lac Lucie and Kingfisher drained and netted before the start of the season now, and delay the completion of the compliance works on Kingfisher until later in the year when hopefully the banks will have hardened up a bit and the dumper can get round.

The work Nigel has been doing on the Kingfisher chalet is now just about completed and hopefully we will get some photos of it all finished in the next week. We have also been clearing leaves from the grass around Lac Lucie chalet and cutting the hedge behind Kingfisher. Nigel is now on first name terms with the staff at the dechetterie (the tip)!

Anyway, fingers crossed our next post will have some better news. Until then, bonne journée….

BREAKING NEWS – Lac Lucie compliance works signed off 16th February (at last) and now can refill it….. will keep you all posted……