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May fishing for Nigel

7th – 9th May

With no one on Kingfisher for the week and some dry weather forecast, Nigel decided to have a few nights away and enjoy the peace and quiet. There was still tackle set up on the third swim so he took his bait boat and a mixture of homemade spicy fish and maple syrup boilies and put his rods out after dinner on Tuesday evening.

Within an hour he had a bite and a pretty 33lb common ended up in his net. Unfortunately his old phone with the WhistleCam app wasn’t charged so we just have a photo of the fish.


He had just put the fish back and before he managed to get his rod back out another line went off but he lost it after ten minutes so then had 2 rods to set up again. By 10pm he was all sorted again and got some wood for his firepit and put the kettle on, ready to sit and enjoy the stars, something that never ceases to amaze him.

It was a pretty quiet night with just one more fish around midnight weighing about 12lbs. The sun came up on Wednesday morning and it looked set to be a gorgeous day so he sat enjoying the sun until about 10.30am and pulled his rods in for the day to go and get some jobs done.

8th May

On Wednesday after dinner again, he set off and had his rods all out in two new spots by 8.30pm. He lit is firepit and settled down with a beer (or 2) to listen to the Oxford vs Peterborough play offs. Being a Cambridge fan Nigel was desperate for Oxford to win, and obviously to support our son in law who had probably already booked his train ticket to Wembley!

The game was interrupted at 9.30pm when he caught a small mirror at 17lb. He had realised during the day that he did have the WhistleCam app on his new phone (thanks to Jo!) so managed to get a nice picture. This is definitely a fish to grow on for the future.


The rest of the match was listened to in peace and thankfully Oxford won. The lake went quiet until around 4.30am when he was woken up by his alarms. Nothing big but it still put up a bit of a fight and he managed to land another mirror weighing 23lb.


That was it for this session but there may be some more time over the next couple of weeks depending on the weather and spawning. The temperatures have been in the mid 20s for the last few days and the water temperature has creeped up to 21 degrees so watch this space.

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